When Love crashes through mind’s familiar understanding of how things ought to be, mind can only cry out, “That’s a miracle!” “No,” Love answers, “that’s just the way I am.” ~Emmanuel’s Book III This whimsical quote always makes me smile. Love, apparently, has some attitude, and delights in expressing itself, sometimes to everyone’s surprise. Yet, […]
No Way Café
There is nobody who can teach the way of no way. It cannot be learned either. Teaching and learning require someone. When there is no longer anybody, then the way of no way is evident and there is neither need for learning nor desire for teaching.
~Todd Jackson
The Power of Humility
Practicing the external martial arts taekwondo and kung fu gave me lots of experience with humility. Resuming this training in my 50s after being away from it for several decades meant that I was a beginner once again and most often the oldest person in the room. It was obvious from the start that I […]
Speaking the Blessing
Give me a well-trained tongue that has been born out of silent listening in the sanctuary of my heart. May my words become love in the lives of others. ~Macrina Wiederkehr I whisper this aspiration to myself when I’m preparing to speak to a group, or about to have what might be a challenging conversation. […]
Love Much
[A couple of years ago, I started an inspiration collection of poems, quotes, and thoughts that I keep on index cards in a pretty box. Every morning I pull a card and place it where I can see it throughout the day. This simple practice has helped support me and keep me centered and grounded […]
Seeing through a Wide Angle Lens
Regardless of your position on any particular spectrum – religious, political, or other – it’s hard to deny that there is a lot of emotion churned up in today’s world. Many people are caught up in “big feelings,” as my daughter would say. The polarized division of “us” and “them” has become a powerful force […]
Arise and Shine
Well, the new year is already a week old and I’m still catching up to the realization that it is no longer 2024. I barely noticed Christmas, and before I knew it, I was at the cabin for my traditional New Year’s Eve ritual, thinking, “Isn’t that next week (or even next month)?” But indeed, […]
Gifts of the Season
I was watching How the Grinch Stole Christmas with my grandchild recently (for the umpteenth time). Every time I see this movie, I’m reminded of its simple message about the holidays. Even when all is lost (spoiler alert), the Whos down in Whoville remember that the true gifts we give each other come from the […]
Being Human
Keeping your heart open does not mean liking or condoning whatever someone does. It does not mean refraining from defending someone who is being attacked. It means keeping your heart open with compassion for the person attacked, for the attacker, and for yourself. Especially for yourself. I cannot criticize myself for thoughts of fear, anger, […]
Redeeming Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday. I love having the family all together. I love having significant others and best friends join us. I never cared much about the food, except the pumpkin pie, so over the years the traditional turkey dinner became the traditional Chinese takeout dinner. But we still have pumpkin pie. […]