All life is your guru. There is absolutely nothing that does not reflect the perfection of creation and the power of love that created it. The very cells of your body vibrate in harmony with all that is.
Your understanding or your lack of understanding changes nothing. But your experience changes everything. Once remembrance is awakened, there is a shift, a fundamental shift in awareness. You perceive the universe as a unified whole, everything connected, everything vibrating, singing the song of creation, singing the song of you. You are the singer and you are the song and you are the listener of the song.
The song arises out of silence and returns to silence. There is no part of you that does not know this. You breathe the guru with every breath.
Poetic perspective, and an answer to Albert Einstein’s famous preponderance. Thank you.
“The most important question facing humanity is, ‘Is the universe a friendly place?'”
Thanks for reminding me of that question, David. I heard it a little differently, something along the lines of the most important decision we make is whether we view the universe as hostile or friendly. One version suggests that the universe’s friendliness or lack thereof is an objective fact. The other way to ask the question suggests that our experience of the universe as friendly or hostile depends on our own choice of perspective. Hmm….
It’s all one and we are all connected and absorbed in the One. Thank you for that reminder this morning (here in Japan it is morning!) ~Kathy
Japan! I need to get over to your site and see what you’re up to! Thanks for commenting, Kathy.