I was chatting with my daughter about a situation involving my grandchildren. I can’t even remember what we were talking about, but at one point my daughter paused and looked at me. “You’re a ride or die Nana,” she observed.
I had to look that up. A ride or die person is someone who will do anything for the one they love, no matter what. Of course, that made me laugh with respect to being a grandmother. But it did make me think about life and what we are willing to commit our whole selves to.
I’ve joked about my favorite prayer for living an awakened life: “Whatever it takes … and please help me mean it.” Because even in all my enthusiasm, there is a part that sometimes hesitates. What if whatever it takes is too much?
And on some level, I know the answer to that because what it takes is everything … and nothing. The price of awakening is giving up every illusion, every belief, every judgment, everything that separates us from each other and from sacred Oneness. Adyashanti says it best: “The price of staying awake is giving up every reason you have to stop loving.”
That doesn’t sound like nothing. But from within the awakened embrace of the Beloved, everything that is not love is not real. All the grievances we nurse and cherish in the dark corners of our hearts disappear in the light of Truth. We wonder why we thought they were so important, if we remember them at all.
I don’t know if I’m a ride or die Nana, but I want to be a ride or die human being. As I breathe my last breath, I want to smile and say, to use another idiom, that I left it all on the field. I held nothing back. I left not one day unloved. I embraced with infinite compassion all that arose in my sphere of experience. I lived showered in grace and bathed in gratitude. I surrendered every breath to the Beloved.
… and please help me mean it.
If you surrender to the wind, you can ride it. ~Toni Morrison
What a great compliment by your daughter! You must be a great Nana.
Thanks RCS. I guess I have my great Nana moments. Ha!
You absolutely qualify for that label….no doubt whatsoever.
Thanks Bob!
Galen, a wonderful post! I think, my favorite of all that you have done thus far.
The Adyashanti quote and yours – “from within the awakened embrace of the Beloved, everything that is not love is not real” is profound wisdom that makes my heart sing!
Thank you again for what you do for us. Wes
Thank you Wes! I appreciate your comment so much. Hope your heart keeps singing!
You’re sure doing something right if your daughter said that, Galen! Your post reminds me of something King David said in the Bible: “I will not offer anything that costs me nothing.” Thought provoking.
That is a thought provoking quote indeed, Pam. I’m going to go look up the context. Thanks for pointing out the connection.
Hi Galen! Your “ride or die” explanation reminds me a bit of the quote, “Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming “Wow! What a Ride!” I’ve always loved that idea but I like your intention with it as well. I am certainly a “ride or die” with Thom (my husband) and I’d like to think that I embrace it ALL like you state with your intention–but I’m still a work in progress. I have been showered with grace and gratitude in my life but I’m still working on embracing infinite compassion for all that arose in my sphere of experience. Still, just knowing it is something to reach for and hopefully obtain is enough for me today. And yes, meaning it is a real key. Thanks for the great thoughts. ~Kathy
I love that image of skidding in broadside in a cloud of smoke! That made me laugh. With all your travel adventures, I’m pretty sure that will be your exit description — “Wow! What a ride!”
My “trick” for embracing all with compassion is to recognize that when I can’t summon compassion for someone or something, I can extend compassion for myself in my inability or reluctance. And that embrace of myself will expand to include all that I couldn’t embrace on my own. We are always “enough for today” and that is all that is needed. Thanks for commenting, Kathy.
A beautiful reflection! I want to be a ride or die human being too!
Yes indeed, Margaret. That’s us!