Galen Pearl

Galen Pearl

Galen Pearl

New Book!

It’s finally here! I hope y’all will check out my new book. It’s a collection of prayers and responses written over several years using a non-dominant hand writing method. Click here for more information.

All proceeds are donated to North Pole Studio, a nonprofit art studio for artists with developmental disabilities. Please check out their website. They do an amazing job.

I’m grateful to all of you who encouraged me to offer these writings. I was hesitant to publish something that had for years remained private. However, you convinced me that the message in these pages was one the world needs right now, so I trusted my inner guidance and your generous reflections, and here it is.

I’m also grateful to Vinnie Kinsella, owner of Paper Chain Book Publishing Services, who made the book look so beautiful, and the publishing process so easy (because he did all the hard work).

I’m relying on word of mouth marketing, so if you know someone who might like it, please pass the information along. Sharing on social media and online book reviews are also appreciated. Sounds odd to say something so blatantly self-promoting about a book that has been held so deeply in my heart, but the art studio really is wonderful, and I want to help them as much as I can.

I hope you like the book.

4 thoughts on “New Book!”

    1. Thank you so much Bob. I hope you and Betty enjoy the book. And thank you so much for passing the word along.

  1. Hi Galen! Congratulations to you and your new book. As you know the process of creating one and then holding the manifestation in your own two hands is a remarkable thing. May it reach and take hold in everyone who will benefit from it. I will certainly be checking it out myself. ~Kathy

    1. Thank you so much, Kathy. I so appreciate the support, and the blessing. You are such a prolific and successful author, you have held first copies of your books many times!

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